Many westerners in Thailand end up going to bars looking for a relationship. That rarely turns out well for either the man or the woman. Most of these women are poor and have a large family to support, so they are much more likely to be pressured by their family to get as much money out of their foreign boyfriend as possible. This leads to the relationship turning sour fast.
But it doesn’t have to be that way, there are literally thousands and thousands of normal Thai women who would love nothing more than to meet a good western man. Often they are well educated and with stable jobs, but have grown tired of Thai men for one reason or another. They have heard, and it’s probably true, that westerners treat their women better in relationships than Thai men.
So there you have it, as a foreigner you already have an advantage with these women, but where do you meet them? These women are not likely to go to bars, particularly those where foreigners in Thailand often go to. The best way is of course to be introduced by a friend, but then again it takes time to make friends in a new country and even more so when you don’t speak the language.
I recommend ThaiLoveLines and ThaiLoveLinks for meeting sincere Thai girls interested in love, romance and relationships.